Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The BELIEF of an Agnostic

The BELIEF of an Agnostic:

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not omnipotent, rather than that it allows so much pain and sorrow in the world.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not omniscient, rather than that it let thousands of years go by without telling humans about germs, or electricity, or printing, or radio waves, or so many other marvels.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not omnipresent or all-seeing, rather than that it allows so much evil and terrorism to exist and prosper.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not all-loving, rather than that it allows so much loneliness and suffering and depression in the world.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not prescient, rather than that it knows in advance of earthquakes and sinking ships and other disasters, yet never warns innocents.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not eternal, rather than that it has been alone for billions of years, which would surely drive any rational being mad.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not personal, rather than that it has never been my friend by asking about my feelings or opinions.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not immutable, rather than ignore that what is right in one environment or culture or time so often is wrong in another.

I believe that, if there is a Higher Power, it is not the creator of the universe, rather than recognizing that the laws of physics can explain creation without needing to call on any supernatural cause.

The ACCEPTANCE of a Skeptic

The ACCEPTANCE of a Skeptic:

I accept evolution because of my trust in the multitude of scientists who have studied it and successfully used it to make other discoveries, rather than creationism which is full of logical flaws.

I accept the warnings of climatologists and meteorologists who predict the weather based on scientific principles, rather than politicians who deny their warnings based on the profits of their supporters.

I accept astronomy, which has shown us wonders of the universe the human eye alone could never see, rather than astrology which claims to predict erratic events on Earth by the unvarying movements of the planets.

I accept vaccinations, because they have been successful in wiping out diseases that killed, rather than the fears of real side effects which are negligible both in numbers and severity, or hysteria over imagined side effects that have been proven baseless.

I accept the natural, which can be observed and repeated and understood, rather than the supernatural which is unpredictable and has no rational explanation.

I accept responsibility for what happens to me, rather than blame it on superstitions which have no connections between cause and effect.

The FAITH of an Atheist

The FAITH of an Atheist:

I have faith in the hundreds of scientists and technicians who are experts in their fields, rather than one error-riddled book.

I have faith in medical procedures that typically have success rates more than 90%, rather than prayer, which typically has a success rate less than 1%.

I have faith in satellites, which can tell me in seconds where I am within 40 inches, rather than a burning bush, which leaves me wandering in wilderness for 40 years.

I have faith in my own morality, which tells me all people should be treated with respect, rather than a creed that for millenia has supported slavery, racism, sexism, and cruelty.

I have faith in television, which can give a message simultaneously to everyone interested in listening, rather than angels who can only deliver messages to individuals.

I have faith in telephones, which can transmit my exact words to any other human, rather than a Spirit who can only communicate vague feelings, only to the chosen few.

I have more faith in the Internet, which is admitted to contain some errors, but with care can give me accurate information on anything I ask, than I do in any religion which insists it is perfect, and that I must follow its rules without question.

I have faith in life, where I can grow, help others, and have the joy of accomplishment, rather than insubstantial promises of a sterile existence after death.